enero 23, 2025

Vikika antes y despues

3 minutos de lectura

Vikika antes y despues

Vikika costa edad

Last summer Canal Cocina launched a new project that apparently has gone well, because there is news about it, we are talking about the broadcasting of a cooking program through its YouTube channel, Julio Bienert, better known as Julius is the host of this first program for YouTube of Canal Cocina, remember that we talked about Go! Julius in this post.
Well, next Friday a new program will premiere on the official YouTube channel of Canal Cocina, it is La cocina fitness de Vikika, we deduce that it will occupy the space that had the series Go! Julius, although it has not been announced how many programs will be issued nor the duration of each, remember that those of Julius, which can still be seen on YouTube, lasted less than five minutes, some two minutes, others four…
If you do not want to miss the premiere of La cocina fitness de Vikika you will have to be attentive to the YouTube channel of Canal Cocina next Friday, February 12 at 12:00 noon, and then every Friday at the same time. And what will this new program bring? Well, first we have to introduce Vikika, she is Verónica Costa, and she is the author of the blog FitFoodMarket and the book La cocina ‘fit’ de Vikika.

Vikika pesas

En Perfumes Club hemos creado una selección de Omegas y ácidos grasos de la marca Vikika Gold para que puedas cuidarte con los mejores productos de belleza. Mímate como sólo tú te mereces con los productos de Omegas y ácidos grasos que tenemos para ti y descubre que cuidarte te costará muy poco con los productos de alta calidad y al mejor precio que sólo puedes encontrar en tu perfumería online de confianza.
Compro en perfumes club por la calidad de los cosméticos disponibles, la comodidad de comprar desde casa, los buenos precios y la fiabilidad que transmiten (productos originales, rapidez en la entrega, correcta gestión de incidencias). Casi siempre encuentro lo que quiero, y si es un producto nuevo, las opiniones de otros clientes me ayudan a decidirme. Gracias al buscador es realmente fácil comprar varios productos de la misma gama, y si alguno de ellos no está disponible, te avisan en cuanto vuelve a estar en stock.

Barkova_8_ instagram

I have to admit that when my friend Isabel Blasco told me about Vikika I thought: «Buah, one more of those bloggers who spends the day doing posturitas in front of the camera and so on». Yes, I thought it with envy. I wish I had thousands of followers… and Vikika’s body, of course. The first is difficult. The second too, but… she tells how. And that’s what this post is about.
Because Isa told me about Vikika (or, in other words, Verónica Costa) to tell me that she had in her hands La cocina fit de Vikika (Ed. Arcopress), a book of healthy recipes to have a real Serrano body.